Special Education Department

Meeting Alert!

March LTF 20 Meeting

Life Skills and Autistic Support Monthly Newsletter

director of special education

Victoria Kropf

Director of Special Education

610-262-7811 x20005
Email Victoria Kropf

assistant director of special education

Tiffany Eberhart

Assistant Director of Special Education

610-262-7811 x20024
Email Tiffany Eberhart

supervisor of special education curriculum and instruction

Kaitlyn Hoffman

Supervisor of Special Education Curriculum and Instruction

610-262-7811 x20037
Email Kaitlyn Hoffman

head special education secretary

Janet Gehret

Head Special Education Secretary

610-262-7811 x20002
Email Janet Gehret

Bridget headshot with northampton logo background

Bridget Blatz

Special Education Secretary

610-262-7811 x20003
Email Bridget Blatz

assistive technology specialist

Joshua Deutsch

Assistive Technology Specialist

610-262-7811 x20034
Email Joshua Deutsch