Health Room

Just a reminder for students entering the 2023-2024 school year of the documents required by the Nurses office: 

***Need a PHYSICAL EXAM on file. If they have had a well visit in 5th grade, please send it to the nurse office with an immunization record. If they are scheduled for a well visit, please send in a copy of the visit and a shot record after the appointment.
**** MCV and Tdap(need to receive during 6th grade year)

*****DENTAL EXAM ( Can be done during 6th or 7th grade)

MEDICATION FORMS (Long Term or Short Term
Completed by the doctor for each school year and brought to school by adult with medication

We are able to give students medication from the approved list but we need parental consent each year. The form can be found here. Consent can also be given in Sapphire via the backpack

Please see the NAMS Health Services Website for contact information and additional details and the NASD Health Services Page for linked forms.